Sargis Virabyan (born on February 2, 1982), studied in Academy of TV and Radio, department of TV production in 2002-2006. He has been engaged in photography since student years and took part in approximately 60 group exhibitions. Sargis has had 4 individual exhbitions as well: 2 of them were staged in Yerevan - “Only Tricolour” 2007 and “Exit to the City” 2008, and the rest two were staged in Estonia – “Faces of Armenia” 2008 and “Only Tricolour” 2010. Sargis Virabyan's works have been introduced in Moscow, Tashqend, Saint-Petersburg and many other cities, he has been awarded with numerous przes, certificates of honour and diplomas of merit. Currently, he is in cooperation with a number of magazines and studios. Besides his professional career Sargis runs his own workshop for photography where many photographers have studied, and he has staged 26 group exhibitions for his students' works. Sargis Virabyan has been a lecturer in the Academy of TV and Radio during 2011-2018. He is a professional photographer practising Nude Art photography.
https://bravo.am 11.08.2014
Սարգիս Վիրաբյան.“Լավ կադրի համար մերկ աղջիկները պատրաստ էին թրջվել ու տանջվել:)”
www.panarmenian.net 17.09.2010
В Таллинне откроется выставка „Only threecolor“, посвященная Дню независимост и Армении
https://newsarmenia.am 04.03.2008
Современные реалии Еревана представлены на фотовыставке Саркиса Вирабяна
https://journalist.am 24.05.2017
https://blognews.am 20.08.2015
Լուսանկարիչ Սարգիս Վիրաբյանի «nude art» ոճի նոր, շքեղ ֆոտոշարքը Ղրիմից. 18+